Publications: Michael R. Willig
- Rapid taxonomic categorization of short, abundant virus sequences for ecological analyses.
Sjodin AR, Willig MR, Rodríguez-Durán A, Anthony SJ
Ecology and evolution (2024) 14(6):e11501 PMC4863610 10.1007/s00284-021-02607-5 - Insulin resistance before type 2 diabetes onset is associated with increased risk of albuminuria after diabetes onset: A prospective cohort study.
Willig MR, Stinson EJ, Looker HC, Piaggi P, Mitchell CM, Hanson RL, Nelson RG, Krakoff J, Chang DC
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism (2024) 26(5):1888-1896 PMC8998569 10.3390/ijms23073651 2023
- Reproductive phenologies of phyllostomid bat populations and ensembles from lowland Amazonia.
Willig MR, Presley SJ
Journal of mammalogy (2023) 104(4):752-769 PMC6394116 10.1093/jmammal/gyad032 2022
- Long-term spatiotemporal variation in density of a tropical folivore: responses to a complex disturbance regime.
Willig MR, Presley SJ
Oecologia (2022) 199(4):979-994 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108891 - From island biogeography to landscape and metacommunity ecology: A macroecological perspective of bat communities.
Presley SJ, Willig MR
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2022) 1514(1):43-61 10.1111/nyas.14785 2021
- Effects of Host Species Identity and Diet on the Biodiversity of the Microbiota in Puerto Rican Bats.
Presley SJ, Graf J, Hassan AF, Sjodin AR, Willig MR
Current microbiology (2021) 78(9):3526-3540 10.1371/journal.pone.0001425 - A canonical metacommunity structure over 3 decades: ecologically consistent but spatially dynamic patterns in a hurricane-prone montane forest.
Willig MR, Presley SJ, Cullerton EI
Oecologia (2021) 196(3):919-933 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02297.x - Arthropods are not declining but are responsive to disturbance in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico.
Schowalter TD, Pandey M, Presley SJ, Willig MR, Zimmerman JK
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2021) 118(2): PMC7812834 10.1073/pnas.2002556117 2020
- Functional volumes, niche packing and species richness: biogeographic legacies in the Congo Basin.
Van de Perre F, Willig MR, Presley SJ, Mukinzi IJ, Gambalemoke MS, Leirs H, Verheyen E
Royal Society open science (2020) 7(3):191582 PMC7137932 10.1098/rsos.191582 2019
- Phylogenetic supertree and functional trait database for all extant parrots.
Burgio KR, Davis KE, Dreiss LM, Cisneros LM, Klingbeil BT, Presley SJ, Willig MR
Data in brief (2019) 24:103882 PMC6520560 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103882 - Populations are not declining and food webs are not collapsing at the Luquillo Experimental Forest.
Willig MR, Woolbright L, Presley SJ, Schowalter TD, Waide RB, Heartsill Scalley T, Zimmerman JK, González G, Lugo AE
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2019) 116(25):12143-12144 PMC6589750 10.1073/pnas.1820456116 - Checkerboard metacommunity structure: an incoherent concept.
Presley SJ, Mello JHF, Willig MR
Oecologia (2019) 190(2):323-331 10.1007/s00442-019-04420-1 - Guild-level responses of bats to habitat conversion in a lowland Amazonian rainforest: species composition and biodiversity.
Willig MR, Presley SJ, Plante JL, Bloch CP, Solari S, Pacheco V, Weaver SC
Journal of mammalogy (2019) 100(1):223-238 PMC6394116 10.1093/jmammal/gyz023 2018
- BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene.
Dornelas M, Antão LH, Moyes F, Bates AE, Magurran AE, Adam D, Akhmetzhanova AA, Appeltans W, Arcos JM, Arnold H, Ayyappan N, Badihi G, Baird AH, Barbosa M, Barreto TE, Bässler C, Bellgrove A, Belmaker J, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Bett BJ, Bjorkman AD, Błażewicz M, Blowes SA, Bloch CP, Bonebrake TC, Boyd S, Bradford M, Brooks AJ, Brown JH, Bruelheide H, Budy P, Carvalho F, Castañeda-Moya E, Chen CA, Chamblee JF, Chase TJ, Siegwart Collier L, Collinge SK, Condit R, Cooper EJ, Cornelissen JHC, Cotano U, Kyle Crow S, Damasceno G, Davies CH, Davis RA, Day FP, Degraer S, Doherty TS, Dunn TE, Durigan G, Duffy JE, Edelist D, Edgar GJ, Elahi R, Elmendorf SC, Enemar A, Ernest SKM, Escribano R, Estiarte M, Evans BS, Fan TY, Turini Farah F, Loureiro Fernandes L, Farneda FZ, Fidelis A, Fitt R, Fosaa AM, Daher Correa Franco GA, Frank GE, Fraser WR, García H, Cazzolla Gatti R, Givan O, Gorgone-Barbosa E, Gould WA, Gries C, Grossman GD, Gutierréz JR, Hale S, Harmon ME, Harte J, Haskins G, Henshaw DL, Hermanutz L, Hidalgo P, Higuchi P, Hoey A, Van Hoey G, Hofgaard A, Holeck K, Hollister RD, Holmes R, Hoogenboom M, Hsieh CH, Hubbell SP, Huettmann F, Huffard CL, Hurlbert AH, Macedo Ivanauskas N, Janík D, Jandt U, Jażdżewska A, Johannessen T, Johnstone J, Jones J, Jones FAM, Kang J, Kartawijaya T, Keeley EC, Kelt DA, Kinnear R, Klanderud K, Knutsen H, Koenig CC, Kortz AR, Král K, Kuhnz LA, Kuo CY, Kushner DJ, Laguionie-Marchais C, Lancaster LT, Min Lee C, Lefcheck JS, Lévesque E, Lightfoot D, Lloret F, Lloyd JD, López-Baucells A, Louzao M, Madin JS, Magnússon B, Malamud S, Matthews I, McFarland KP, McGill B, McKnight D, McLarney WO, Meador J, Meserve PL, Metcalfe DJ, Meyer CFJ, Michelsen A, Milchakova N, Moens T, Moland E, Moore J, Mathias Moreira C, Müller J, Murphy G, Myers-Smith IH, Myster RW, Naumov A, Neat F, Nelson JA, Paul Nelson M, Newton SF, Norden N, Oliver JC, Olsen EM, Onipchenko VG, Pabis K, Pabst RJ, Paquette A, Pardede S, Paterson DM, Pélissier R, Peñuelas J, Pérez-Matus A, Pizarro O, Pomati F, Post E, Prins HHT, Priscu JC, Provoost P, Prudic KL, Pulliainen E, Ramesh BR, Mendivil Ramos O, Rassweiler A, Rebelo JE, Reed DC, Reich PB, Remillard SM, Richardson AJ, Richardson JP, van Rijn I, Rocha R, Rivera-Monroy VH, Rixen C, Robinson KP, Ribeiro Rodrigues R, de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres D, Rudstam L, Ruhl H, Ruz CS, Sampaio EM, Rybicki N, Rypel A, Sal S, Salgado B, Santos FAM, Savassi-Coutinho AP, Scanga S, Schmidt J, Schooley R, Setiawan F, Shao KT, Shaver GR, Sherman S, Sherry TW, Siciński J, Sievers C, da Silva AC, Rodrigues da Silva F, Silveira FL, Slingsby J, Smart T, Snell SJ, Soudzilovskaia NA, Souza GBG, Maluf Souza F, Castro Souza V, Stallings CD, Stanforth R, Stanley EH, Mauro Sterza J, Stevens M, Stuart-Smith R, Rondon Suarez Y, Supp S, Yoshio Tamashiro J, Tarigan S, Thiede GP, Thorn S, Tolvanen A, Teresa Zugliani Toniato M, Totland Ø, Twilley RR, Vaitkus G, Valdivia N, Vallejo MI, Valone TJ, Van Colen C, Vanaverbeke J, Venturoli F, Verheye HM, Vianna M, Vieira RP, Vrška T, Quang Vu C, Van Vu L, Waide RB, Waldock C, Watts D, Webb S, Wesołowski T, White EP, Widdicombe CE, Wilgers D, Williams R, Williams SB, Williamson M, Willig MR, Willis TJ, Wipf S, Woods KD, Woehler EJ, Zawada K, Zettler ML, Hickler T
Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. (2018) 27(7):760-786 (PMC6099392) 10.1111/geb.12729 - Reconciling biodiversity and carbon stock conservation in an Afrotropical forest landscape.
Van de Perre F, Willig MR, Presley SJ, Bapeamoni Andemwana F, Beeckman H, Boeckx P, Cooleman S, de Haan M, De Kesel A, Dessein S, Grootaert P, Huygens D, Janssens SB, Kearsley E, Kabeya PM, Leponce M, Van den Broeck D, Verbeeck H, Würsten B, Leirs H, Verheyen E
Sci Adv (2018) 4(3):eaar6603 (PMC5903881) 10.1126/sciadv.aar6603 2017
- Creation of forest edges has a global impact on forest vertebrates.
Pfeifer M, Lefebvre V, Peres CA, Banks-Leite C, Wearn OR, Marsh CJ, Butchart SHM, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Barlow J, Cerezo A, Cisneros L, D'Cruze N, Faria D, Hadley A, Harris SM, Klingbeil BT, Kormann U, Lens L, Medina-Rangel GF, Morante-Filho JC, Olivier P, Peters SL, Pidgeon A, Ribeiro DB, Scherber C, Schneider-Maunoury L, Struebig M, Urbina-Cardona N, Watling JI, Willig MR, Wood EM, Ewers RM
Nature (2017) 551(7679):187-191 (PMC5681864) - The components of biodiversity, with a particular focus on phylogenetic information.
Scheiner SM, Kosman E, Presley SJ, Willig MR
Ecol Evol (2017) 7(16):6444-6454 (PMC5574767) - The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project.
Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HR, Alhusseini TI, Bedford FE, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Burton VJ, Chng CW, Choimes A, Correia DL, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Emerson SR, Gao D, Garon M, Harrison ML, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan Y, Pask-Hale GD, Pynegar EL, Robinson AN, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Senior RA, Simmons BI, White HJ, Zhang H, Aben J, Abrahamczyk S, Adum GB, Aguilar-Barquero V, Aizen MA, Albertos B, Alcala EL, Del Mar Alguacil M, Alignier A, Ancrenaz M, Andersen AN, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Aumann T, Axmacher JC, Azhar B, Azpiroz AB, Baeten L, Bakayoko A, Báldi A, Banks JE, Baral SK, Barlow J, Barratt BI, Barrico L, Bartolommei P, Barton DM, Basset Y, Batáry P, Bates AJ, Baur B, Bayne EM, Beja P, Benedick S, Berg Å, Bernard H, Berry NJ, Bhatt D, Bicknell JE, Bihn JH, Blake RJ, Bobo KS, Bóçon R, Boekhout T, Böhning-Gaese K, Bonham KJ, Borges PA, Borges SH, Boutin C, Bouyer J, Bragagnolo C, Brandt JS, Brearley FQ, Brito I, Bros V, Brunet J, Buczkowski G, Buddle CM, Bugter R, Buscardo E, Buse J, Cabra-García J, Cáceres NC, Cagle NL, Calviño-Cancela M, Cameron SA, Cancello EM, Caparrós R, Cardoso P, Carpenter D, Carrijo TF, Carvalho AL, Cassano CR, Castro H, Castro-Luna AA, Rolando CB, Cerezo A, Chapman KA, Chauvat M, Christensen M, Clarke FM, Cleary DF, Colombo G, Connop SP, Craig MD, Cruz-López L, Cunningham SA, D'Aniello B, D'Cruze N, da Silva PG, Dallimer M, Danquah E, Darvill B, Dauber J, Davis AL, Dawson J, de Sassi C, de Thoisy B, Deheuvels O, Dejean A, Devineau JL, Diekötter T, Dolia JV, Domínguez E, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Dorn S, Draper I, Dreber N, Dumont B, Dures SG, Dynesius M, Edenius L, Eggleton P, Eigenbrod F, Elek Z, Entling MH, Esler KJ, de Lima RF, Faruk A, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Felicioli A, Felton AM, Fensham RJ, Fernandez IC, Ferreira CC, Ficetola GF, Fiera C, Filgueiras BK, Fırıncıoğlu HK, Flaspohler D, Floren A, Fonte SJ, Fournier A, Fowler RE, Franzén M, Fraser LH, Fredriksson GM, Freire GB, Frizzo TL, Fukuda D, Furlani D, Gaigher R, Ganzhorn JU, García KP, Garcia-R JC, Garden JG, Garilleti R, Ge BM, Gendreau-Berthiaume B, Gerard PJ, Gheler-Costa C, Gilbert B, Giordani P, Giordano S, Golodets C, Gomes LG, Gould RK, Goulson D, Gove AD, Granjon L, Grass I, Gray CL, Grogan J, Gu W, Guardiola M, Gunawardene NR, Gutierrez AG, Gutiérrez-Lamus DL, Haarmeyer DH, Hanley ME, Hanson T, Hashim NR, Hassan SN, Hatfield RG, Hawes JE, Hayward MW, Hébert C, Helden AJ, Henden JA, Henschel P, Hernández L, Herrera JP, Herrmann F, Herzog F, Higuera-Diaz D, Hilje B, Höfer H, Hoffmann A, Horgan FG, Hornung E, Horváth R, Hylander K, Isaacs-Cubides P, Ishida H, Ishitani M, Jacobs CT, Jaramillo VJ, Jauker B, Hernández FJ, Johnson MF, Jolli V, Jonsell M, Juliani SN, Jung TS, Kapoor V, Kappes H, Kati V, Katovai E, Kellner K, Kessler M, Kirby KR, Kittle AM, Knight ME, Knop E, Kohler F, Koivula M, Kolb A, Kone M, Kőrösi Á, Krauss J, Kumar A, Kumar R, Kurz DJ, Kutt AS, Lachat T, Lantschner V, Lara F, Lasky JR, Latta SC, Laurance WF, Lavelle P, Le Féon V, LeBuhn G, Légaré JP, Lehouck V, Lencinas MV, Lentini PE, Letcher SG, Li Q, Litchwark SA, Littlewood NA, Liu Y, Lo-Man-Hung N, López-Quintero CA, Louhaichi M, Lövei GL, Lucas-Borja ME, Luja VH, Luskin MS, MacSwiney G MC, Maeto K, Magura T, Mallari NA, Malone LA, Malonza PK, Malumbres-Olarte J, Mandujano S, Måren IE, Marin-Spiotta E, Marsh CJ, Marshall EJ, Martínez E, Martínez Pastur G, Moreno Mateos D, Mayfield MM, Mazimpaka V, McCarthy JL, McCarthy KP, McFrederick QS, McNamara S, Medina NG, Medina R, Mena JL, Mico E, Mikusinski G, Milder JC, Miller JR, Miranda-Esquivel DR, Moir ML, Morales CL, Muchane MN, Muchane M, Mudri-Stojnic S, Munira AN, Muoñz-Alonso A, Munyekenye BF, Naidoo R, Naithani A, Nakagawa M, Nakamura A, Nakashima Y, Naoe S, Nates-Parra G, Navarrete Gutierrez DA, Navarro-Iriarte L, Ndang'ang'a PK, Neuschulz EL, Ngai JT, Nicolas V, Nilsson SG, Noreika N, Norfolk O, Noriega JA, Norton DA, Nöske NM, Nowakowski AJ, Numa C, O'Dea N, O'Farrell PJ, Oduro W, Oertli S, Ofori-Boateng C, Oke CO, Oostra V, Osgathorpe LM, Otavo SE, Page NV, Paritsis J, Parra-H A, Parry L, Pe'er G, Pearman PB, Pelegrin N, Pélissier R, Peres CA, Peri PL, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Peters MK, Pethiyagoda RS, Phalan B, Philips TK, Pillsbury FC, Pincheira-Ulbrich J, Pineda E, Pino J, Pizarro-Araya J, Plumptre AJ, Poggio SL, Politi N, Pons P, Poveda K, Power EF, Presley SJ, Proença V, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Rader R, Ramesh BR, Ramirez-Pinilla MP, Ranganathan J, Rasmussen C, Redpath-Downing NA, Reid JL, Reis YT, Rey Benayas JM, Rey-Velasco JC, Reynolds C, Ribeiro DB, Richards MH, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Ríos RM, Robinson R, Robles CA, Römbke J, Romero-Duque LP, Rös M, Rosselli L, Rossiter SJ, Roth DS, Roulston TH, Rousseau L, Rubio AV, Ruel JC, Sadler JP, Sáfián S, Saldaña-Vázquez RA, Sam K, Samnegård U, Santana J, Santos X, Savage J, Schellhorn NA, Schilthuizen M, Schmiedel U, Schmitt CB, Schon NL, Schüepp C, Schumann K, Schweiger O, Scott DM, Scott KA, Sedlock JL, Seefeldt SS, Shahabuddin G, Shannon G, Sheil D, Sheldon FH, Shochat E, Siebert SJ, Silva FA, Simonetti JA, Slade EM, Smith J, Smith-Pardo AH, Sodhi NS, Somarriba EJ, Sosa RA, Soto Quiroga G, St-Laurent MH, Starzomski BM, Stefanescu C, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stouffer PC, Stout JC, Strauch AM, Struebig MJ, Su Z, Suarez-Rubio M, Sugiura S, Summerville KS, Sung YH, Sutrisno H, Svenning JC, Teder T, Threlfall CG, Tiitsaar A, Todd JH, Tonietto RK, Torre I, Tóthmérész B, Tscharntke T, Turner EC, Tylianakis JM, Uehara-Prado M, Urbina-Cardona N, Vallan D, Vanbergen AJ, Vasconcelos HL, Vassilev K, Verboven HA, Verdasca MJ, Verdú JR, Vergara CH, Vergara PM, Verhulst J, Virgilio M, Vu LV, Waite EM, Walker TR, Wang HF, Wang Y, Watling JI, Weller B, Wells K, Westphal C, Wiafe ED, Williams CD, Willig MR, Woinarski JC, Wolf JH, Wolters V, Woodcock BA, Wu J, Wunderle JM, Yamaura Y, Yoshikura S, Yu DW, Zaitsev AS, Zeidler J, Zou F, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JP, Purvis A
Ecol Evol (2017) 7(1):145-188 (PMC5215197) - Post-Hurricane Successional Dynamics in Abundance and Diversity of Canopy Arthropods in a Tropical Rainforest.
Schowalter TD, Willig MR, Presley SJ
Environ. Entomol. (2017) 46(1):11-20 2016
- Environmental and spatial drivers of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic characteristics of bat communities in human-modified landscapes.
Cisneros LM, Fagan ME, Willig MR
PeerJ (2016) 4:e2551 (PMC5068362) - Standardized Assessment of Biodiversity Trends in Tropical Forest Protected Areas: The End Is Not in Sight.
Beaudrot L, Ahumada JA, O'Brien T, Alvarez-Loayza P, Boekee K, Campos-Arceiz A, Eichberg D, Espinosa S, Fegraus E, Fletcher C, Gajapersad K, Hallam C, Hurtado J, Jansen PA, Kumar A, Larney E, Lima MG, Mahony C, Martin EH, McWilliam A, Mugerwa B, Ndoundou-Hockemba M, Razafimahaimodison JC, Romero-Saltos H, Rovero F, Salvador J, Santos F, Sheil D, Spironello WR, Willig MR, Winarni NL, Zvoleff A, Andelman SJ
PLoS Biol. (2016) 14(1):e1002357 (PMC4718630) 2015
- Bird biodiversity assessments in temperate forest: the value of point count versus acoustic monitoring protocols.
Klingbeil BT, Willig MR
PeerJ (2015) 3:e973 (PMC4451018) - The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts.
Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HR, Senior RA, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Choimes A, Correia DL, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Garon M, Harrison ML, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan Y, White HJ, Aben J, Abrahamczyk S, Adum GB, Aguilar-Barquero V, Aizen MA, Ancrenaz M, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Azhar B, Azpiroz AB, Baeten L, Báldi A, Banks JE, Barlow J, Batáry P, Bates AJ, Bayne EM, Beja P, Berg Å, Berry NJ, Bicknell JE, Bihn JH, Böhning-Gaese K, Boekhout T, Boutin C, Bouyer J, Brearley FQ, Brito I, Brunet J, Buczkowski G, Buscardo E, Cabra-García J, Calviño-Cancela M, Cameron SA, Cancello EM, Carrijo TF, Carvalho AL, Castro H, Castro-Luna AA, Cerda R, Cerezo A, Chauvat M, Clarke FM, Cleary DF, Connop SP, D'Aniello B, da Silva PG, Darvill B, Dauber J, Dejean A, Diekötter T, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Dormann CF, Dumont B, Dures SG, Dynesius M, Edenius L, Elek Z, Entling MH, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Felicioli A, Felton AM, Ficetola GF, Filgueiras BK, Fonte SJ, Fraser LH, Fukuda D, Furlani D, Ganzhorn JU, Garden JG, Gheler-Costa C, Giordani P, Giordano S, Gottschalk MS, Goulson D, Gove AD, Grogan J, Hanley ME, Hanson T, Hashim NR, Hawes JE, Hébert C, Helden AJ, Henden JA, Hernández L, Herzog F, Higuera-Diaz D, Hilje B, Horgan FG, Horváth R, Hylander K, Isaacs-Cubides P, Ishitani M, Jacobs CT, Jaramillo VJ, Jauker B, Jonsell M, Jung TS, Kapoor V, Kati V, Katovai E, Kessler M, Knop E, Kolb A, Kőrösi Á, Lachat T, Lantschner V, Le Féon V, LeBuhn G, Légaré JP, Letcher SG, Littlewood NA, López-Quintero CA, Louhaichi M, Lövei GL, Lucas-Borja ME, Luja VH, Maeto K, Magura T, Mallari NA, Marin-Spiotta E, Marshall EJ, Martínez E, Mayfield MM, Mikusinski G, Milder JC, Miller JR, Morales CL, Muchane MN, Muchane M, Naidoo R, Nakamura A, Naoe S, Nates-Parra G, Navarrete Gutierrez DA, Neuschulz EL, Noreika N, Norfolk O, Noriega JA, Nöske NM, O'Dea N, Oduro W, Ofori-Boateng C, Oke CO, Osgathorpe LM, Paritsis J, Parra-H A, Pelegrin N, Peres CA, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Phalan B, Philips TK, Poveda K, Power EF, Presley SJ, Proença V, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Redpath-Downing NA, Reid JL, Reis YT, Ribeiro DB, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Robles CA, Römbke J, Romero-Duque LP, Rosselli L, Rossiter SJ, Roulston TH, Rousseau L, Sadler JP, Sáfián S, Saldaña-Vázquez RA, Samnegård U, Schüepp C, Schweiger O, Sedlock JL, Shahabuddin G, Sheil D, Silva FA, Slade EM, Smith-Pardo AH, Sodhi NS, Somarriba EJ, Sosa RA, Stout JC, Struebig MJ, Sung YH, Threlfall CG, Tonietto R, Tóthmérész B, Tscharntke T, Turner EC, Tylianakis JM, Vanbergen AJ, Vassilev K, Verboven HA, Vergara CH, Vergara PM, Verhulst J, Walker TR, Wang Y, Watling JI, Wells K, Williams CD, Willig MR, Woinarski JC, Wolf JH, Woodcock BA, Yu DW, Zaitsev AS, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JP, Purvis A
Ecol Evol (2015) 4(24):4701-35 (PMC4278822) 2014
- Season-specific and guild-specific effects of anthropogenic landscape modification on metacommunity structure of tropical bats.
Cisneros LM, Fagan ME, Willig MR
J Anim Ecol (2014) 84(2):373-85 - Evaluation of an integrated framework for biodiversity with a new metric for functional dispersion.
Presley SJ, Scheiner SM, Willig MR
PLoS ONE (2014) 9(8):e105818 (PMC4141827) - BIOFRAG - a new database for analyzing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation.
Pfeifer M, Lefebvre V, Gardner TA, Arroyo-Rodriguez V, Baeten L, Banks-Leite C, Barlow J, Betts MG, Brunet J, Cerezo A, Cisneros LM, Collard S, D'Cruze N, da Silva Motta C, Duguay S, Eggermont H, Eigenbrod F, Hadley AS, Hanson TR, Hawes JE, Heartsill Scalley T, Klingbeil BT, Kolb A, Kormann U, Kumar S, Lachat T, Lakeman Fraser P, Lantschner V, Laurance WF, Leal IR, Lens L, Marsh CJ, Medina-Rangel GF, Melles S, Mezger D, Oldekop JA, Overal WL, Owen C, Peres CA, Phalan B, Pidgeon AM, Pilia O, Possingham HP, Possingham ML, Raheem DC, Ribeiro DB, Ribeiro Neto JD, Douglas Robinson W, Robinson R, Rytwinski T, Scherber C, Slade EM, Somarriba E, Stouffer PC, Struebig MJ, Tylianakis JM, Tscharntke T, Tyre AJ, Urbina Cardona JN, Vasconcelos HL, Wearn O, Wells K, Willig MR, Wood E, Young RP, Bradley AV, Ewers RM
Ecol Evol (2014) 4(9):1524-37 (PMC4063456) - Multiple dimensions of bat biodiversity along an extensive tropical elevational gradient.
Cisneros LM, Burgio KR, Dreiss LM, Klingbeil BT, Patterson BD, Presley SJ, Willig MR
J Anim Ecol (2014) 83(5):1124-36 2013
- Updating categorical soil maps using limited survey data by Bayesian Markov chain cosimulation.
Li W, Zhang C, Dey DK, Willig MR
ScientificWorldJournal (2013) 2013:587284 (PMC3762187) 2011
- Ecology. Biodiversity and productivity.
Willig MR
Science (2011) 333(6050):1709-10 2010
- Long-term dynamics of tropical walking sticks in response to multiple large-scale and intense disturbances.
Willig MR, Presley SJ, Bloch CP
Oecologia (2010) 165(2):357-68 2009
- Patterns and causes of species richness: a general simulation model for macroecology.
Gotelli NJ, Anderson MJ, Arita HT, Chao A, Colwell RK, Connolly SR, Currie DJ, Dunn RR, Graves GR, Green JL, Grytnes JA, Jiang YH, Jetz W, Kathleen Lyons S, McCain CM, Magurran AE, Rahbek C, Rangel TF, Soberón J, Webb CO, Willig MR
Ecol. Lett. (2009) 12(9):873-86 2007
- Does species diversity limit productivity in natural grassland communities?
Grace JB, Michael Anderson T, Smith MD, Seabloom E, Andelman SJ, Meche G, Weiher E, Allain LK, Jutila H, Sankaran M, Knops J, Ritchie M, Willig MR
Ecol. Lett. (2007) 10(8):680-9 2005
- Diversity of bat-associated Leptospira in the Peruvian Amazon inferred by bayesian phylogenetic analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA sequences.
Matthias MA, Díaz MM, Campos KJ, Calderon M, Willig MR, Pacheco V, Gotuzzo E, Gilman RH, Vinetz JM
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2005) 73(5):964-74 (PMC2270400) - Developing unified theories in ecology as exemplified with diversity gradients.
Scheiner SM, Willig MR
Am. Nat. (2005) 166(4):458-69 2004
- Networks by design: a revolution in ecology.
Andelman SJ, Willig MR
Science (2004) 305(5690):1565-7 - Similarity of mammalian body size across the taxonomic hierarchy and across space and time.
Smith FA, Brown JH, Haskell JP, Lyons SK, Alroy J, Charnov EL, Dayan T, Enquist BJ, Ernest SK, Hadly EA, Jones KE, Kaufman DM, Marquet PA, Maurer BA, Niklas KJ, Porter WP, Tiffney B, Willig MR
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